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Randolph County CBA/ABATE of North Carolina

Let Those Who Ride Decide!

The CBA/ABATE of Randolph County is a member-driven democratic organization. We strive to claim and preserve the rights and freedoms of all motorcyclists regardless of affiliation with other organizations or political persuasions. Our organization is about 103 persons strong and we are always encouraging fellow motorcyclists to join.

Our elected officers are as follows:

President Buddy Grainger (336) 953-7355
1st. Vice President Dennis Harless (336) 953-1674
2nd Vice President Anthony Sands (336) 963-2198
Secretary Diane Diggs (910) 690-0182
Treasury Junior Needham (336) 629-4573
Master Sgt. at Arms Rick York (336) 879-6222
Products Diana Harless (336) 963-2482
Legislative Bobby Mothershed

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Thanks to everyone who has helped with the Timmy Luck Drive!!!


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